Jef Fugita, Trustee As we have embarked on the journey for Making Room, we have all had a full range of emotions to what this means to us personally, and to our congregation. The following Chalice Lighting by the Reverend Julianne Lepp of the UU Congregation of Eau Claire may provide some insight. Open to Unexpected Answers
We seek our place in the world and the answers to our hearts' deep questions. As we seek, may our hearts be open to unexpected answers. May the light of our chalice remind us that this is a community of warmth, of wisdom, and welcoming of multiple truths. The phrase "open to unexpected answers" reminds me of the UU principle "A free and responsible search for truth and meaning." This principle helps guide all of us to support each other in our journey through life. It also reminds us that our own journey through the Making Room discussion is different from others and each is okay. We are here to support and accept each other and to be open to unexpected answers. The phrase "community of warmth, of wisdom, and multiple truths" reminds us of several of our UU principles:
This is what being a member of Jefferson Unitarian Church has always meant for me. The acceptance of each other and our different opinions. As we continue on this journey, we are a strong congregation working to live our values. These beliefs and values are reminders to listen and seek to understand. We are a congregation of warmth, wisdom, and multiple truths. The Congregational Meeting on Sunday, April 15 is another step in the journey. It reminds us of the following UU principle " The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large." We will vote as a congregation on the following motion: "Shall the congregation authorize the board to pursue a larger property for JUC within the designated Jeffco search area?" There are several resources available to support each of us through this journey. There is a website with several links to videos, frequently asked questions, major milestones, stewardship presentations and contact information for the many members and staff available to support each of us.
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